Our vision: To promote a love of learning for all children, within a caring and supportive community
Three biblical texts embody our vision:
The Boy in the Temple: We want our children to be inquisitive and curious, engaged in their learning and asking questions.
Feeding the 5,000: We encourage children to be compassionate, making the choice to care about others.
Corinthians, 12: 12-27, ‘One Body, Many Parts’: Every child is equally important to both our school and the wider community.
Our vision is lived through our five core values, which underpin life at Longford and ensure that our children are prepared to enter into the adult world. Children are placed at the centre of everything we do.
Harvest Festival and generous donations to Ashbourne Foodbank - September 2024
Faith Trail - July 2024 with Derby Open Centre (visiting the Baptist Church, Mosque and Sikh Gudwara)
Random Acts of Kindness Day - February 2024 - delivering flowers to our neighbours
Special Monthly Collective Worships led by Reverand Stella
Christmas 2023 - Mrs Hawksworth (foundation governor) and Mrs Johnson (volunteers and member of the PCC) worked with the children to create a whole-school banner depicting the Christmas story, which was then displayed in church